Chancellor’s Newsletter Archive (2012-2020)
A biannual Chancellor’s newsletter was one tool Chancellor Phillip Dubois used to keep the campus community, as well as friends and alumni, informed of the many achievements and happenings that continually transform our University. Below is an archive of newsletters.

Dear Colleagues and Friends of UNC Charlotte: This past weekend I was all set to preside over the final four commencement ceremonies in my capacity as Chancellor of UNC Charlotte. Over the course of my 15-year tenure, I’ve been privileged to confer degrees and certificates upon more than 96,000 undergraduate and graduate students in nearly […]
When I think of summing up 2019, it’s hard to know where to start. Without a doubt, this has been one of the most challenging years of my professional life. At the same time, in the midst of unimaginable tragedy and chaos, we’ve also experienced some pretty amazing and reaffirming events, and I’ve been reminded […]

As I reflect on the semester that has just drawn to a close, one word comes to mind: Whew! Life on campus has been hopping, with lots of great things happening, some growing pains, some hard goodbyes and some new faces, and more than our fair share of interruptions from Mother Nature. On December 14-15 […]

The 2017-18 academic year has been an eventful one. As we close the books on another semester, I wanted to provide my customary update on the status of Niner Nation. Spring is definitely in the air…along with the lingering aroma of the rare and very beautiful “Rotney the Magnifiscent.” Rotney is one of two Titan […]
Another semester is in the books, another crop of Niner alumni have crossed the stage, and we prepare to toss our 2017 calendars and turn to a clean page with the arrival of 2018. The cycle of endings and beginnings seems to come faster and faster every year. It has become my custom to take […]
Dear Colleagues: Well, the 2016-17 academic year is a wrap, and I would call it a rousing success. Now that the dust is settling, it feels like a good time to check in with you all once again with a recap of the last several months and a look ahead at what’s coming down the […]
Dear Colleagues: With the spring semester of the 2016-17 academic year in full swing, I wanted to reach out to you with a handful of highlights, challenges, and opportunities that are currently on our radar. The fall semester was definitely an interesting one. While we celebrated several great and exciting events, including the 70th anniversary […]
Dear Colleagues: The close of the academic year offers another occasion to update you on our University’s accomplishments during the past semester and to look ahead to a few exciting opportunities on the horizon. Over this past weekend we celebrated three commencement ceremonies and welcomed more than 3,700 graduates into the ranks of UNC Charlotte […]
Dear Colleagues: The curtain is closing on 2014, providing another reminder that time marches on…as if we needed another reminder of that fact. Here at UNC Charlotte, we marked the end of a semester and the midpoint of our academic year with December 13 commencement ceremonies in which we sent forth 3,320 newly minted 49er graduates […]
Dear Colleagues: As we close out another academic year, I want to take a few moments to update you on some of the issues, challenges, and accomplishments of the past semester and look ahead with you to some of the exciting things coming down the pike. We have just celebrated commencement with three ceremonies for […]
Dear Colleagues: Happy Holidays! As the calendar year nears its end, another semester at UNC Charlotte has concluded. In addition to the celebratory holidays that come at this time of year, we at the University are celebrating the latest group of graduates who will go forth to fulfill their futures. At our December 14 Commencement we […]
Dear Colleagues: Greetings! As another successful academic year comes to an end, this is an extraordinary and invigorating time to be a 49er. In May, we held the Spring Commencement, an event that is a great source of pride for the University community and our more than 3,500 spring graduates. Notably, the number of degrees […]