Chancellor’s Messages

Dear Niner Nation, Today is a Day of Remembrance and reflection for our community as we commemorate two years since the tragic events of April 30, 2019. I was in Toledo, Ohio, when news came that day about what was unfolding at UNC Charlotte. As a mom and as a university president, my heart ached […]

Dear Niner Nation, Today, we learned of the verdict for Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer on trial for the murder of George Floyd: guilty of all charges. For Mr. Floyd’s family, his friends and so many in the nation, this verdict concludes what have been excruciating weeks of reliving Mr. Floyd’s final moments. During […]

Dear Niner Nation, Over the past year, you have stepped up in countless ways to keep our community safe. You have committed to the 6 W’s, faithfully completed the Niner Health Check and followed our rigorous testing protocols. Your dedication and cooperation have helped us keep our virus transmission low and our campus open. Thank […]

Dear Niner Nation, On Tuesday, March 16, eight people, including six Asian women, were murdered in the Atlanta, Georgia, area. Our hearts break for those who were lost in such a senseless act, and we send our deepest condolences to those they left behind. While a motive for the killings remains unclear, what is clear […]

Dear Niner Nation, Today many of you have returned for the start of in-person classes. Welcome back! I am looking forward to seeing you during my walks around campus. Please wave and say hello. I enjoy every opportunity to interact with my fellow Niners, even if it’s from a distance or virtually. As we approach […]

Dear Niner Nation, I hope the winter break brought you some much needed rest and rejuvenation. As we knew, a new year did not bring an automatic end to the challenges we face. However, I am confident our community will continue to find ways to excel while maintaining our commitment to safety. Today’s update on […]

Dear Niner Nation, As we approach the winter break, I want to provide an update on spring semester and what you can expect over the next several weeks. Our current plan As we announced on Oct. 19, our plan is to start the semester on Jan. 20 with a combination of online, face-to-face and hybrid […]

Dear Niner Nation, Today, our Faculty Council approved the revised spring 2021 academic calendar and I want to share that information to assist in your planning for next semester. These changes were again made with the health and well-being of our campus as our top priorities. Similar to this semester, we will offer a blend […]

Dear Niner Nation, I write today with an update on our plans for classroom instruction beginning Oct. 1. After careful consideration of available data and consultation with both county health officials and the UNC System, UNC Charlotte will: The ongoing decline in Mecklenburg County’s infection rate, coupled with UNC Charlotte’s comprehensive safety protocols, allows the […]

UNC Charlotte Chancellor Sharon L. Gaber announced today the appointment of UNC Charlotte Professor Cheryl Waites Spellman, Ed.D., to the role of interim special assistant to the chancellor for diversity and inclusion, effective Sept. 16. Waites Spellman will remain a professor in UNC Charlotte’s School of Social Work. A search will be undertaken in the […]

Dear Niner Nation, I write to you today to share the path forward for UNC Charlotte’s fall semester. As I mentioned in my message on Thursday, August 20, I have been in active discussions with the UNC System and the Mecklenburg County Health Department about our return-to-campus plans for the semester. Throughout our planning process, […]

Dear Niner Nation, Life as we know it currently has been called unprecedented, challenging, evolving, the new normal — among other descriptors. But ultimately, it’s just hard. Plain and simple. It is hard to deal with changing guidance and directives, making decisions ever more challenging. It’s hard to adjust to new ways of living with […]

UNC Charlotte history was made this morning, Monday, July 20, as Sharon L. Gaber officially began her tenure as the University’s fifth chancellor. And while the campus is quieter than usual due to the coronavirus pandemic, Chancellor Gaber wasted no time getting right to work.
Dear Colleagues: The end of the academic year is always a great occasion for celebration. Our three spring commencements on May 13-14 saw more than 4,300 students earn undergraduate and graduate degrees, further adding to the ranks of UNC Charlotte alumni. We also celebrated the amazing career achievements of two honorary degree recipients: Emily Zimmern, recently retired president of […]
Dear Colleagues: We finished off 2015 in fine fashion by congratulating nearly 3,600 brand new graduates at our 70th commencement ceremonies in Halton Arena on December 19. Each of our new graduates has a unique story to share. Perhaps the most amazing was that of Shella Hollowell, age 76, who completed her undergraduate degree in history after […]