Good news: 2021-22 state budget approved

Dear Colleagues,
I have good news to share with you!
Yesterday, the North Carolina General Assembly and Governor Roy Cooper approved the 2021-2022 budget, which provides a historic $134 million investment in UNC Charlotte to fund STEM education growth and capital renovations. Most importantly, the approved budget includes a 5% raise for our dedicated faculty and staff, and bonuses for state employees, including University employees.
The 5% pay raise will be implemented over the next two years for eligible SHRA and EHRA employees. The raise is across the board at 2.5% each year, and the salary increase of 2.5% for this fiscal year will be retroactive to July 1. Also included were bonuses for state employees: a $1,000 bonus for all state employees and an additional $500 bonus for employees earning less than $75,000. The bonuses are to be paid by Jan. 31, 2022, to eligible employees.
As we await guidance from the UNC System Office on implementation, I encourage you to review the Human Resources FAQ page for more information about the raise and bonus process. We will continue to update that page as we receive more information.
Additionally, the legislation’s Engineering NC’s Future will provide $10 million to grow programs in The William States Lee College of Engineering and $30 million will support expansions to engineering and STEM facilities on campus — along with a $600,000 investment in data science, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence programs. The Provost and I are meeting to develop plans for execution on these vital investments.
An additional $87 million will fund improved efficiencies and enhanced facilities through repairs and renovations of campus buildings, and $45 million will be used to renovate the Cameron Building and the Burson Building. Other renovations to campus buildings include updates to HVAC and electrical systems and repairs to roofing and exteriors. We will also receive more than $7 million in enrollment growth funding.
I am grateful to the North Carolina General Assembly and Governor Cooper for their recognition of the unique role UNC Charlotte plays as a driving force in the Charlotte region’s economy as a top producer of job-ready graduates for the state of North Carolina and beyond.
I especially want to thank all of you for your tireless efforts to make UNC Charlotte the great University it is. I am proud to work alongside you.
Go Niners!

Sharon L. Gaber