An update about legislative bonuses and raises

I am pleased to share an update with you about the recently approved legislative bonuses and raises, and the additional merit-based raises and equity/market adjustments approved by the UNC System.
As I announced in my Friday, Nov. 19, communication, the state has approved a $1,000 bonus for all eligible state employees and an additional $500 bonus for employees earning $75,000 or less and law enforcement officers regardless of salary. I am pleased to announce that employees eligible for these one-time bonuses will see them reflected in their Thursday, Dec. 23, 2021, pay date.
According to the state’s guidelines, to be eligible for the one-time bonus, employees must:
- Be a permanent full- or part-time employee as of Dec. 1, 2021 (part-time employees’ bonuses will be prorated accordingly); and
- Be employed at the time of implementation.
The $75,000 threshold for the additional $500 is based on each employee’s Dec. 1, 2021, base salary.
Additionally, after the state releases the funding allocated for the mandatory 2.5% pay increase, all eligible employees will see this pay increase reflected in their January payroll no later than Monday, Jan. 31, and earlier if possible. This will be retroactive to July 1, 2021, and the lump sum amount for July 1 through Dec. 31, 2021, will be reflected as a one-time payment.
According to the state’s guidelines, to be eligible for the for the pay increase, employees must:
- Be hired on or before June 30, 2021, as permanent full- or part-time employees; and
- Be employed by the University on Dec. 31, 2021.
Additionally, the UNC System Board of Governors authorized merit-based increases for eligible EHRA employees if individual institutions have funds available. SHRA employees also may be identified for potential market or equity-based compression-related adjustments if funds exist to support these adjustments. While there is no new state or System funding for these purposes, we have identified a pool of funds that may be used for increases for positions supported through the general fund. Auxiliaries and receipt-supported areas are responsible for funding merit-based or compression-based increases for their employees. The merit pool is an investment equal to 2.5% for EHRA employees, but the distribution of funds will be at the discretion of divisional leadership. No employee may receive more than an additional 5% increase over their base salary at the time of distribution, based on guidance from the UNC System. Additional information about merit-based and equity/market adjustments will be provided by Human Resources to each division beginning in January.
I want to thank each of you again for the extraordinary work you have done to ensure Charlotte’s success. You make our University the exceptional place that it is. I am grateful to work alongside each of you.

Sharon L. Gaber