A Message of Support to Niner Nation

Dear Niner Nation,
On Friday, January 27, Memphis police released footage of the violent arrest of Tyre Nichols. The actions of the police officers seen in this video are horrifying and traumatizing, particularly with the knowledge that they cost Mr. Nichols his life. The brutality of the actions captured by the video has evoked strong emotions and reactions across our nation.
You may also be experiencing trauma and strong emotions as you process the scenes and information you are seeing. Please remember there are campus resources available to help you:
- The Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is available to students, including 24-hour emergency access for those in crisis.
- The Employee Assistance Program provides 24-hour support for our faculty and staff, and the Ginger App is always available to you.
Additionally, the Office of Identity, Equity and Engagement (IEE) and Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) will host events to encourage constructive, healing dialogue among students:
- Community Chat with IEE – Dean of Students Christine Reed Davis and IEE Assistant Director Janique Sanders will be present to lead a discussion and outline campus resources.
- Monday, January 30
- 12-1:30 p.m.
- Union 252 – IEE Office suite
- Virtual Black Community Healing Space – CAPS staff will provide a space for dialogue and healing.
- Monday, January 30
- 2-3:30 pm
- Register here.
The days ahead are likely to continue to be emotional and challenging. Please take care of yourself and others, and extend grace and compassion.

Sharon L. Gaber

Brandon L. Wolfe
Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion
Chief Diversity Officer